ADHD / ADD (Child, Teen and Adult)

Understanding ADHD and ADD

Valencia Relationship Institute is committed to providing compassionate and effective mental health counseling for individuals navigating Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Our experienced clinicians specialize in understanding the unique challenges associated with these disorders and offer comprehensive therapeutic interventions to children, teens, adults and families to support individuals in building fulfilling lives.

What is ADHD and ADD?

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder): ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Individuals with ADHD may struggle with maintaining focus, completing tasks, and regulating their energy levels.

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder): While ADHD is the more commonly recognized term, ADD refers specifically to the inattentive subtype of the disorder. People with ADD may experience difficulties sustaining attention and may seem forgetful or easily distracted. However, many times this disorder will be overlooked or misunderstood as a child, teen or adult being lazy, unmotivated or defiant because completion of normal tasks, following through with directions or focus to detail are lacking.

ADHD / ADD (Child, Teen and Adult)

Signs and Symptoms:

Common signs of ADHD and ADD may include:


  • Difficulty staying focused on tasks or activities.
  • Forgetfulness and frequent mistakes due to lack of attention.
  • Frequently distracted
  • Difficulty following more than one direction at a time


  • Restlessness and a constant need for movement.
  • Difficulty staying seated in situations where it’s expected.


  • Acting without considering consequences.
  • Difficulty waiting for turns in conversations or activities.
How We Treat ADHD and ADD:

At Valencia Relationship Institute, our clinicians are equipped to provide comprehensive mental health counseling for individuals with ADHD and ADD. Our approach includes:

Individualized Assessment:

  • Understanding the unique strengths and challenges of each individual.
  • Identifying specific areas of impairment and personal goals.

Skill Development:

  • Teaching practical skills to improve organization and time management.
  • Enhancing coping strategies for managing impulsivity and hyperactivity.

Family and Relationship Support:

  • Providing education and support for family members and partners. ADD and ADHD can impact not only the individual but also their relationships with family, friends, and partners
  • Collaborating with loved ones to create a supportive environment.
  • Our approach extends beyond individual therapy to address relational dynamics.
  • We provide guidance and support for couples and families, fostering understanding and effective communication to strengthen these crucial bonds.

Holistic Understanding

  • We believe in a holistic approach to addressing ADD and ADHD, recognizing that these conditions impact not only the individual but also their relationships and overall well-being.
  • Our experienced professionals take the time to understand each client’s specific needs, considering the interplay between their cognitive processes, emotions, and interpersonal dynamics.

Tailored Therapeutic Strategies

  • One size does not fit all. That’s why we tailor our therapeutic strategies to meet the unique needs of individuals with ADD and ADHD.
  • Our therapeutic interventions are designed to enhance self-awareness, improve focus and organization, and develop effective coping mechanisms.
  • We work collaboratively with our clients to empower them in managing the daily challenges associated with these conditions.

Skill-Building for Success

  • Empowering our clients is at the core of our mission. We offer practical skills and strategies to help individuals with ADD and ADHD thrive in various aspects of life, including academics, career, and personal relationships.
  • Through skill-building exercises and psychoeducation, our clients gain the tools they need to overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

Ongoing Support and Collaboration

  • The journey doesn’t end in the therapy room. We believe in providing ongoing support and fostering a collaborative relationship with our clients.
  • Whether through regular check-ins, skill reinforcement, or adjusting therapeutic approaches, we are dedicated to supporting our clients on their path to success.

Schedule Appointment Today!

Start your journey towards deeper connections and emotional fulfillment. Contact us now to schedule your consultation!

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If you or a loved one is seeking guidance and support for ADD or ADHD, Valencia Relationship Institute is here for you. Contact us today to learn more about our tailored approach and how we can assist you on the journey to holistic well-being. Our clinicians are not only experienced in evidence-based therapies for ADHD and ADD but also committed to fostering a supportive and understanding environment. We recognize the impact of these disorders on various aspects of life, and work collaboratively with individuals to help them thrive.